Saturday 22 March 2014

Top 5 F1 Circuits in the World

1. Spa-Francorchamps (Spa, Belgium)

Everyone agrees that Spa is rightly one of the best circuits in the world, and many would put it at number one. This circuit has stood the test of time, from its days a massive 14 km circuit, to its current 7km configuration. The first hairpin at La Source is incredibly sharp, and stands in contrast to the fast downhill approach to the challenging sweeps of Eau Rouge—a corner that many drivers have rated (and continue to rate) as the most exciting to drive. The vertical g-forces as the cars hit the bottom of the hill and then the lateral g-forces through the left-right-left of Eau Rouge must be exhilarating to drive. The course heads out through the Ardennes Forest, and includes challenging undulations and high-speed corners. Gone, these days, is the old ‘Bus Stop’ chicane, replaced with a quick right-left back onto the pit straight, but the corner still retains the excitement of close-wheel racing that was evident at the Bus Stop. Spa is a great circuit, and should never be dropped from the world championship (as it was one year). Just like there are permanent positions on the UN Security Council, so Spa should have a permanent spot in the world championship.

2. Singapore

The relatively young circuit through the streets of island-nation Singapore is a great addition to the Formula One world championship. The circuit was the first to host a night event, and this certainly gives the race here a fantastic atmosphere. But the circuit itself is also brilliantly put together. The section around the pits is custom-made, so it has the feel of a permanent circuit. But before long, the cars are on the actual streets of Singapore, with all the challenges of bumps, tight corners, and unforgiving walls. But there also a few decent straights that provide both speed and good overtaking opportunities. Singapore’s magnificent skyline provides a magnificent backdrop to the circuit, too. All in all, the circuit has proven to be a great spectacle.

3. Monte Carlo (Monaco)

You could almost say that the circuit through the streets of Monte Carlo is an obligatory inclusion in a top ten list like this. But it’s not just because of the glitz, glamour, and history of the race here. It’s actually because of the incredible challenge that Monaco represents. The track has been criticised by some enthusiasts because the cars and their calibre outgrew the streets many decades ago. So the fact that there is still a GP here is almost an anachronism. However, in some senses it’s precisely this that is the challenge of Monaco. The drivers need to tame the wildness of their cars in order to negotiate with Monaco’s unforgiving walls and bumps enclosing the roads around Monte Carlo Habour. The lack of run-off areas means there is so very little room for error, and that makes this a real drivers’ circuit. Precision and skill are key factors. Former commentator Murray Walker once said that his favourite corner in all of Formula One was the left hander at the top of the hill at Massenet. There, Walker said, the tyres of the cars ‘kiss’ the armco barriers as they speed around into Casino Square. And, of course, there is the iconic Loews Hairpin—the slowest corner in Formula One, where one can generally see all the cars slither their way downhill like a giant colourful snake. And who can forget the right-bending tunnel that speeds underneath Loews Hotel! When asked what racing Monaco was like, Nelson Piquet answered that it was like riding your bike at full pace through your house.  The narrowness of the streets is sometimes seen as preclusive of good racing. But the fact that the circuit is the slowest on the current championship calendar means that the teams are on a far more equal footing here. So a driver needs exceptional skill to overtake a competitor here and keep his car in one piece. Not even a 50-second lead can guarantee you a win in the end, as Ayrton Senna famously discovered when he crashed out from the lead in 1988. There have been some refinements to the circuit over the years, but these have largely improved the course. Monaco is quite unique, and definitely deserves its place in the top ten.

4.Silverstone(Northamptonshire, England)

Silverstone is definitely one of the classic tracks in Formula One. It hosted the very first world championship Grand Prix event in 1950. The circuit is built around an old airfield, and has seen a number of configurations in Formula One alone. The latest configuration debuted last year (2012). But I think the configuration for the British GP in 1991–1993 is perhaps the best there has been. That configuration still retained some of the speed and challenging corners of the original circuit, with just enough slower corners to allow some good overtaking. These days, despite having a brilliant new pits section after Club corner, the circuit just has too many corners that I believe have taken away some of the character of the circuit. And yet, it’s still a great track! I just wish they hadn’t meddled with the configuration after 1993.

5.Buddh International Circuit(New Delhi, India)

This circuit is a relative newbie on the Formula One calendar. Designed by Herman Tilke, who has been criticised for creating soulless circuits, this is definitely one of his best. The blind up-hill turn 3 is a great one for overtaking action, and the high speed right-hander at turn 10 is a real challenge for drivers to accomplish smoothly. The final corner, with its odd widening entry, also allows for some interesting overtaking manoeuvres. Another thing I like about this track is that Felipe Massa struggles interminably at it (yes, I know I’m bad!). I’m glad this track is currently on the racing schedule, and I hope it stays for a long time.

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